Tuesday, August 9, 2011


the second building we went into during our tour of prauge castle and the surrounding buildings (see, it's still built like a medieval castle: there's a number of buildings inside the walls, up on the hill) was st. george's basilica. it was founded in 920, enlarged in 973, rebuilt after a fire in 1142. the facade was added in the late 17th century. it's a very, very old place. 

see, there i am taking a picture. 

those are real bones. it's a glass panel inlay on a casket, and that is a little store-front window display of bones. gnarly. 

this is rosenberg palace, which was at one time an "institute or noble women", which educated unmarried daughters over the age of 24 of noble people. you can see that religion featured prominently. 

this is the head woman's sitting room. 

and office. (she had 4 rooms. this entire palace only housed about 12-13 women. they each had a room or 2, and their servants had a room each as well.). 

this is where you sit if you take the vapors. but don't really, because it's an antique. they don't like that. 

typical dress of the time (1753 or so). nice collar, eh?

there are five tree stumps of different types of trees, and touching them is supposed to give you different qualities. this one brings peace...

and ryan is touching the one for luck. hahaha. 

i'm pretty badass in my armor. quail before me. 

ryan had to lean WAAAAY over to fit. 

yeah, this is an awkward look. very hard to pull off. i'm glad it's not required now. 

mostly i like the shoes, and the fur lined jacket. 

and there was a poster for this exhibit at another museum, but we didn't have time to see it. (also, ryan said, "over my dead body" which i think means, "maybe next time.")

walking down the stairs to the next phase of our prague JAM PACKED day...

and lunch. i had corn on the cob, which is sold EVERYWHERE in prague, and ryan had a sausage on rye bread, and he said it was amazingly wonderful. also, beer. well, it's prague. 

*sidenote* our hotel, the hotel leonardo, had the most amazing breakfast i've ever seen in a hotel. it was in the cellar, which was as cheerful as you can imagine that to be, and seems to be very common in prague. there was:
- a yogurt bar, with 4 kinds of yogurt (whole milk, non fat, and 2 types of fruit) 3 bowls of preserved fruits of some kind (apricots... yum. and prunes and pears), and fresh citrus. a tray of various toppings: sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame, poppy seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, dried cranberries, raisins, apricots and apples. 6 bowls of granola and cereal. amazing. 
- a cappuccino machine that made really excellent lattes, a hot tea bar, etc..
- an entire bakery counter with all kinds of gnarly seeded long rolls, and light and dark rye breads, and sourdoughs, and french rolls, and pretzels, and pastries, and toasters and 6 kinds of jam and butter, and all kinds of sliced czech cheeses and meats and cucumbers and yellow and red peppers and tomatoes
- a hot bar with potatoes, and various egg and meat dishes. you also could get eggs and other dishes made to order. all included. 

you should stay there. i felt a little weird taking photos, because there are a lot of people there, but it's an amazing spread. it will make you not too hungry for lunch, even if you climb stairs all day. 

view of charles bridge from the opposite side. 

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