Saturday, May 7, 2011

a walk along the under der linden

we went for a walk along the unter den linden, to pick up some christmas ornaments and see a bit more of the city. 

these ladies were just enjoying the view of the river.... still. 

oh, these are the ampelmännchen. these are the signals for the pedestrian lights. these were used in the part of berlin under soviet control. they are the only remnants of the soviet occupation that are still being preserved. i have some felt christmas ornaments. 

i think pinnochio is telling a fib. 

this is the fernsehturm berlin, the soviet television tower in east berlin. it's called "the pope's revenge", because though the soviet's discouraged religious symbols of all kinds, the tower's shadow cast the shape of.... a cross. 

this is a pretty awesome fountain outside the tower. 

i would also be terrified if a lobster this big was trying to get me. 


i called these soviet bicycles: six times the effort, half the speed. 

soviet embassy. 

the bear outside the casino where ryan was playing. i like him. 

then we took some goofy pictures outside checkpoint charlie, since no one was there, and we could.

this city is really fun to walk around in. you should do it. 

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