Tuesday, January 25, 2011


jeff hertzberg and zoe francois have written a brilliant book, called artisan bread in five minutes a day. buy it. i'm not telling you the specifics. but the basic premise is that you basically throw together a really easy dough, let it rise outside the fridge, and then let it sit in the fridge for 2 weeks. occasionally, you take out a hunk, form it, let it rise, and bake on a bread stone in a very hot oven. it's so delicious. and easy. and waaaaaay cheaper than bakery bread.

making life even easier, you don't have to wash the countainer. you simply dissolve the old leftover bits of dough in the warm water you need for the next batch, and add yeast and continue. keeps the sourdough culture alive, which is good for your belly (good bacteria).

 swish the water around until all the dough is off the sides. add yeast.

then mix in wheat/white/rye/bran flour with salt, using a wooden spoon. it's a wet, wet dough, and you have to make sure there's no dry bits at all.

then let it rise in a warm, warm place. those are my new gnome and mushroom creations.

 let it sit for 2-5 hours, depending on how warm your room is, until it looks like this:

then bake it on the hot bread stone and let it cool on a rack. mmmmm

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