Thursday, February 10, 2011


since i've been unemployed (by choice, in order to go to europe, and don't ask what's next 'cause i don't know yet, let's focus on the awesome almost present shall we?), I've had LOTS of time to get ready for this adventure.

One of the things I've been doing? Reading Rick Steves' entire collection of European guidebooks. If you don't know Rick Steves, you should google him and look at his website (yeah, i know how to post links. Do you know how to google?)You will be prepared for a trip abroad.

Now, I am not what you would call a good packer. I always have the very best of intentions, but somehow, when push comes to shove, i throw in another few outfits, and ooo, just one more pair of shoes, and then I get where I'm going, and my bag is super stuffed, and there's no room to bring anything home, and I only end up wearing half the clothes and 1/3 of the shoes I brought.

So this time, I'm really trying. And my buddy Rick thinks the less you bring, the more fun you have. I overpacked on our honeymoon, and couldn't bring back nearly as much stuff as I wanted. So this time, I'm packing smart:

First I laid out all the clothes I wanted to take, and then took some away. I'm left with 2 skirts, 2 pairs of pants (jeans and khakis), 1 dress, 4 long sleeve shirts, 4 tank tops, and 4 short sleeve shirts, 1 pair of gloves, 1 hat, 1 scarf, 8 pairs (socks, underwear) 4 pairs of thick, wool tights, 1 fleece, 2 cardigans and 1 coat. 

and 1 nighgown and 1 bathing suit, and 1 day bag. 

Once I have even less clothing than I think i'll need, I roll everything carefully, and pack it in mesh travel cubes:

(layer 1 of the suitcase)

On top? ziploc of shampoo and conditioner and my toiletries. Suitcase is 85% full, and I have a pack down duffel in there that I can fill and check. Bam. Ready. Is it Saturday yet???

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Stoked you are blogging! How did I not yet know about this? A good rule of thumb for packing: pack all the clothes you think you'll need (bare necessities), subtract half, then bring double the amount of $ you had planned. Say you forgot to pack a sundress and desperately need one... you'll have the $ for a sweet new souvenir AND room in your luggage for it! :)
