Saturday, August 13, 2011

ciao, italia, and a minute in milano!

we woke up this morning with a plan to take the 9:30 wetro to the train station, where we would move along to switzerland. we were very efficient with our packing and so we had 25 minutes to check our internet at the hotel before we had to leave. so i had the first 10 minutes, and ryan had the second 10 minutes. as i was writing some postcards next to ryan, i realized he had frozen. one of his friends had written to tell him that all the major online poker sites had been shut down. so there was some panic as we thought about what the lack of online poker would mean for his career (by the way; it's all okay, as I write this 4 months later he is dominating the peppermill game and pretty much dominating!). so the wetro ride was pretty quiet. i took a lot of photos...

do you see that open window?

she's reading in there. and i want to start each morning reading in the early morning light as i overlook a canal. just in case stating a wish makes it happen; that's mine. 

arrivederci, rialto! i will see you again!

this is where the important guests park their boats. if you don't have your own boat, you're not an important guest. 

i loved this church. 

oh, that's my friend sabrina's boat. she's a pretty important person, it seems!

lunch at the milan train station. this was fast food pizza, obviously, but it was quite tasty too. 

europe loves the smurfs. they're all over. did i mention that i can't wait for the movie to come out? i loved the smurfs when i was little! 

also, you can have that rat. i don't want him, thanks. 

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